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Top Links: >> 80. Technology >> Internet Technology Summit Program >> 2. Java and Databases
Current Topic: 2.3. Oracle
Sub-Topics: 2.3.1. MySQL DB Download and Install
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Oracle is the most popular database brand. In this section we will install Oracle XE 11, Oracle Express Edition (Free).

Enter in Google: download Oracle XE 11 and proceed to the link.
The current link is but it can be changed.
You will need to Accept License Agreement and Login (you might need to register, if the first time at the Oracle site) to download the selected zip file. Store the zip file at c:/downloads/db ? directory. If there is no such directory yet, you will need to create the c:/downloads and db directories before saving the file there.

1. Double click on the saved compressed file and Extract All files. You will find a new directory DISK1 with the file setup.exe.
2. Double click on this file to start the installation.
3. Choose Destination Location as c:\oraclexe
4. Specify password as admin and confirm the password.
5. Review the Summary screen. Note the default DB Port: 1521 ? important for connection URL; HTTP Port: 8080 ? to access and manage DB via internal Oracle Web Server
6. You might see this ERROR message ? ignore it and hit OK.

6A) After the Oracle DB installation and configuration is complete, the following icon will appear on the desktop.
Double click on this icon. If this does not work, use the plan 6B)
6B) Open a browser and enter:
Bookmark this URL
7) The following screen appear. Click on the Application Express button.
8) Then enter the user name as system and password as admin and press the Login button.

9) Open Application Express, select Create New, Enter DB name, Username, and Password the same as its and click on Create Workspace.
Next time, Click on Already have an account? Login here

10) Click here to login.

11) Provide Workspace name and credentials: its, its, its. Keep in mind that password is case sensitive!

12) Select SQL Workshop ? SQL Commands
13) Enter SQL statement to create a table, for example Employee, and Run SQL

Example of SQL:
CREATE TABLE Employee (ID number not null, email varchar(60), FirstName varchar(60), LastName varchar(60), lastUpdate varchar(60) )
Was it clear so far? Highlight the text in question Or

Do not hesitate to use Google for SQL statements: Oracle CREATE TABLE

14) Enter and Run another SQL statement to INSERT a record

Example of SQL:
INSERT into Employee values (1, '', 'John', 'Smith', '2015-07-04:13-00')

Do not hesitate to use Google for SQL statements: Oracle INSERT

Note that to create a table, you need to specify data types for table columns. Read again the Data Types section from the previous page and check once more this web page:

1. Create the its workspace with its username and password.
2. Create the Accounts table with the following fields: email (serves as a Login), password, enabled, lastUpdate. All data types are varchar(60).

Example of SQL:
CREATE TABLE Accounts (email varchar(60), Password varchar(60), enabled varchar(60), lastUpdate varchar(60) )

For SQL statements use Google: Oracle INSERT or Oracle SELECT or Oracle UPDATE or Oracle DELETE or Oracle CREATE TABLE

3. Create the UserProfile table with the following fields: email, FirstName, LastName, mobileNumber, role and lastUpdate. All data types are varchar(60).
4. Insert two-three related records with the same email address in both tables. For lastUpdate use the following format: yyyy-MM-dd:hh-mm. For example: 2015-05-15:13-00.

5. In the previous assignment for 2.1. SQL section you created a Design Specification with the description of two-three tables. Create these tables and insert several records into these tables.
6. Use SELECT statements in the SQL Commands window to select the records from each of your tables. Check results at the bottom of the window. Copy/Paste and add to your Design Document. Email the Design Specification document to
7. Continue playing with creating tables. To delete a table enter in SQL Commands window: drop table {tableName}. For example, drop table Accounts.

8. Go back to the Oracle Download page and find the link for SQL Developer. Download SQL Developer 64 bit Windows without JDK 7 (you already have JDK installed). In the process create MS Word document named Oracle SQL Developer download and install. Provide in this document instructions and illustrations on installation. Use the Print Screen key (prt sc) on the keyboard to capture the screens, then move to MS Paint window, click on the window and press Ctrl-V key (Ctrl-key and V-key) to paste the image to MS Paint. Then use the SELECT control (see on the left) to crop only important part of the image and paste it into your MS Word document.
9. Use SQL Developer to visualize tables you created and display data records. Add these screens and descriptions to your document.
10. Create more tables and records and add these screens to the document.
11. Email this document to

12. Open Local Services page by pressing the MS Windows key and S key ? search for programs and typing local services.
13. In the Services window scroll to Oracle services. Select with right mouse click OracleServiceXE and choose the STOP option. The STOP the OracleXETNSListener service.
14. After a complete STOP select the same two services and START them. You will need to do this when switching to another DB, so your system do not waste resources.
15. Create 2 QnAs related to the subject and send to

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