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IIQ Training

Identity IQ is one of the product lines of Sail Point.

The product allows to precisely map user privileges to application services.

The product is a Web application, which uses MySQL (or any other) database to store user data (usually employee group, title, etc.) and the names of applications and related services.

Usually the application is projected on the web with the Tomcat application server.

As a Java-based application it can run on any OS-platform that supports Java.
Identity IQ is usually connected with multiple data sources, including LDAP (Active Directory) via ready-to-go Connectors or through the custom integration.

The image below represents the Identity IQ application with its major components.

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Here are the instructions to install the application on a Windows-based laptop.

The main steps and components of the installation.

Download and Install Java JDK, Tomcat 8 Web Application Server, Download and Install MySQL
Database, SQL Server or Oracle DB, or any SQL DB you require

To install Tomcat 8.5 at AWS EC2 - use the following command
$sudo yum install tomcat8

See more details in the 5.2 Cloud Technology section

Recommended destinations for the components installed on a local Windows host: (Change the default directory during the install)

Java JDK: - c:\jdk
Tomcat 8.5: - c:\tomcat8 - keep default config files with the port 8080
MySQL: - c:\tools\mysql - keep default port 3306, username=root and password=root
OpenLDAP: - c:\tools\openldap
IdentityIQ: - c:\tomcat8\webapps

1. If you do not have an OS, or virtual machine instance, install the operating system either Windows or Linux and have the Administrator or root password handy
2. Install Java JDK 1.8 or greater from Oracle Website
3. Make sure the Java JDK directory is part of the Windows environment variable
4. Steps to download and 1install Tomcat are available here:
5. Install Apache Webserver and kick off the service
6. Next Install your database. MySQL community edition works great, for a Sandbox environment and it can be downloaded and installed from , store your password [MYSQL-PASSWORD]
7. Also add the path of MySQL installation directory to the $PATH$ environment variable, C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin

Steps to Install SailPoint Identity IQ

1. Create the installation directory called [iiq_installation]
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2. Download to the folder [iiq_installation]\
3. Unzip the file to the directory [iiq_installation]
4. Create the staging directory called [identityiq]
5. Unpack identityiq.war to the staging directory by running the following commands
6. Change directory to cd [identityiq] folder
7. Run the ff command: jar -xvf ../iiq_installation/identityiq.war
Setup the SailPoint IIQ SQL database, extending the default class table column fields for identity cube, applications, classes etc.
1. Setup and source the database schema
2. Optional: to change the identity cube fields and columns you have to edit the files IdentityExtended.hbm.xml, which is located: identityiq\WEB-INF\classes\sailpoint\object\
3. Here is an example of 2 fields that we have added to the identity cube:
6. You also have to add the ObjectConfig , see this link for more:
Tomcat install instructions:

7. After adding the changed fields, we must update the database schema as follows
8. Change the directory as follows: cd [identityiq]\WEB-INF\bin
9. Print the database schema: to print the database schema, you should run ./iiq schema
10. The database schema DDL script files will be located: [identityiq]\WEB-INF\database
11. The name of the script to create and write the DB tables schema will be:
create_identityiq_tables-x.y.mysql (for defaults), or create_identityiq_tables.mysql (if you changed any of the hibernate .hbm files) . Note that the type of the database will vary based on your target DB. In our case the target DB is mysql. For example, if we were using Microsoft SQL server, the script will be create_identityiq_tables.sqlserver
12. Also you may want to change the db user identityiq password to something different. To encrypt it run ./iiq encrypt [newpassword] and you can update, and put the encrypted password in datasource.password. Also you will have to update the GRANT ALL ? statements in the beginning of create_identityiq_tables.mysql

13. Change directory to: cd [identityiq]\WEB-INF\database
14. Database creation, get the MySQL ROOT userId and the password
15. MySQL login credentials: root / [MYSQL-PASSWORD]
16. Login to mysql -u root -p
17. source create_identityiq_tables.mysql
18. Creates the database and the internal tables
Setup the IIQ Web Application to Connect to Our SQL Database using file
1. Open up the application file which is located here [identityiq]\WEBINF\classes\
2. Access the file and update the following information:?
3. User ID: identityiq
4. Password: put the encrypted password
5. Change the directory as follows: cd [identityiq]\WEB-INF\bin
4. Run ./iiq console
5. import init.xml (imports core iiq objects to DB)
6. import init-lcm.xml (imp Life cycle manager)

7. import sp.init-custom.xml (if this is needed)
8. Copy the staging directory to the Tomcat application server
9. Copy the [identityiq] folder to webapps\[identityiq] folder
10. Start Tomcat
11. Open up your browser to: http://localhost:8080/identityiq/login.jsf

Steps to Install Open LDAP - Optional
1. Follow the instructions on this website to install open ldap and populate with user objects

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