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Internet / AI Technology University (ITU/AITU)
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Welcome Anonimous.User to this quiz related to Data Service Framework and Troubleshooting.

Read the question and choose the best answer. Time is limited to 40 seconds!

Important! Do not forget to rank the quality of the question (from bad to excellent).
An initiator of the quiz will get royalty score for QnAs created by her/him and can win the Top Creativity Prize.
Check all possible resolutions for when making code and file changes in Eclipse have no effect in the browser Correct

Check that there are no duplicate Classes defined.

In Eclipse Server View tomcat entry, check where the deployment directory is. Make sure classes and files are being published there when clicking Publish or Start.

In Eclipse Server View tomcat entry, click the modules tab and make sure the module being tested was added.

In Eclipse Server View, delete and rebuild the tomcat entry. Be sure to set the port and start timeout and add the module being tested.

Check that Spring has the deploy option set.

In Eclipse, click Project -> Build Automatically, and then republish

Rank the Quality of the Question from "-10" (bad) or "0" (not clear) to 10 (correct) or even 20 (very good!)
-10 (bad/wrong) 0 (not clear) 10 (correct) 20 (very good!)
Your summary report will be available to you and your instructor. Thank you for your work!!!