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Internet / AI Technology University (ITU/AITU)
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Welcome Anonimous.User to this quiz related to Ejb.

Read the question and choose correct answers. Time is limited to 40 seconds!

Important! Do not forget to rank the quality of the question (from bad to excellent).
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How EJBs can be clustered?

When creating EJB object EJB container could internally select the least loaded machine

As JNDI driver is used to locate home objects it can spread traffic across several machines

EJBContext object could contain links to several machines and execute EJB methods on them

Remote stub implementation could pass requests to different servers in the cluster

JDBC driver can distribute SQL queries over different databases

Home stub implementation could pass requests to different servers in the cluster

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-10 (bad/wrong) 0 (not clear) 10 (correct) 20 (very good!)
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