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Welcome Anonimous.User to this quiz related to Test Java And Databases.

Read the question and choose correct answers. Time is limited to 40 seconds!

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Select true statements related to usage of prepared statements with a connection pool

Since JDBC2.0 PreparedStatement objects are automatically cached per a connection pool but not per a JDBC connection

Since JDBC 3.0 the data source layer is now responsible for caching prepared statements.
So, existing code (pre-JDBC 3.0) running under JDBC 3.0 will automatically leverage PreperedStatement pooling

PreparedStatement objects used in a connection pool will improve performance
only with special code options introduced by JDBC 3.0

PreparedStatement objects are cached per a JDBC connection

Using PreparedStatement objects under JDBC 3.0 you have full control over which prepared statements are cached and pooled

Prepared statements introduce significant overhead but used with a connection pool
they will improve performance even if executed just once over their lifetime

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-10 (bad/wrong) 0 (not clear) 10 (correct) 20 (very good!)
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