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Internet / AI Technology University (ITU/AITU)
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Welcome Anonimous.User to this quiz related to Web Application Architecture and Design.

Read the question and choose the best answer. Time is limited to 40 seconds!

Important! Do not forget to rank the quality of the question (from bad to excellent).
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What were the benefits and limitations of the first implementations of MVC?

The first MVC implementations solved the performance problem. The programs run not as processes for each client but as tiny threads. But the data processing and creation of web pages were still handled mostly by the JSP or ASP in the Page-Centric solutions.

The benefits of later implementations were possibility to deliver data to more client devices, but this delivery used to be limited to only iPhone and Android.

The benefits were two-fold: a) web pages became animated and b) capable to deliver video directly from YouTube. But only Internet Explorer by Microsoft was capable to benefit from the advances.

Rank the Quality of the Question from "-10" (bad) or "0" (not clear) to 10 (correct) or even 20 (very good!)
-10 (bad/wrong) 0 (not clear) 10 (correct) 20 (very good!)
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